Weeds are plants that are growing where they’re not wanted. Weeds can take any form and can vary depending on where they grow. Weeds typically produce large numbers of seeds, assisting their spread. They are often excellent at surviving and reproducing in disturbed environments and are commonly the first species to colonise and dominate in these conditions. For some lawn owners as long as it’s green it is fine is a common statement.

But consider this for a moment, most broadleaf weeds are annuals which only grow for part of the year and then set seed. Whilst in small numbers the lawn will cover over these small spots as they die out but as they grow in numbers through seeding the lawn can’t fill in these spots and suddenly your lawn is bare, when it isn’t covered in weeds. Weeds are very easily dispersed, so are difficult to eradicate completely. A longer lawn, with a dense growth habit helps in outperforming weeds, while an aerated soil is a much better option than a compacted soil.

Weeds can be transferred on shoes, in manure, with animals, or even the mower. Some weeds can be removed by hand but many have growth mechanisms like deep taproots which significantly hinder success in this method, meaning a weed spray is often the easier and better option.


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